What is bomba rice and why is it preferred by paella masters?

If you have an idea of buying Bomba type rice and you don’t know how to cook it since it is such an exclusive variety of rice, this article will teach you interesting things.

What is bomba rice?

Bomba rice is a round rice of the japonica variety and with a pearly appearance, its round and short grain being about 5mm long and 2mm wide. It is a typical rice from the Mediterranean basin, where most of the production is found. It is considered by experts as a variety of rice of great culinary quality.

Why is bomba rice better than others for cooking paellas?

Bomb rice is considered one of the best for preparing paellas due to the accordion effect it presents during cooking, where it remains loose and whole after cooking. It is also capable of absorbing a large part of the broth where it is cooked and maintaining the flavor better than other round rice.

We can also highlight how regular the grain sizes are, giving a pleasant sensation to the eye and the palate.

This is why this type of rice is ideal when you want to buy rice to make a paella.

What is bomba rice used for?

It is a perfect rice for cooking paellas, although it can also be used to cook any other rice dish if what we want is for the grain to be loose and without lumps. Thus, you can cook all the variety you want with the bomba rice: typical Valencian paella, seafood paella, black rice, broth rice, etc.

What ways are there to cook bomba rice?

Because the size increases up to four times after cooking, you need to cook it with more quantity of broth than other rice. Specifically, three parts and a half of broth are needed by a part of rice pump. In addition, the cooking time is longer than normal, around 18 minutes.

If you are here reading this article, it is surely because you are interested in Spanish cuisine and its culture. Here on our blog and on the web you will be able to find all kinds of information almost always related to paellas. But we are also going to talk about other very interesting things about Spanish cuisine and its customs.

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In our online store you can find everything you need to cook your paellas, including prepared packs so that you have the most select ingredients with which you will cook a delicious paella.

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